Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What the Hell Happened To Our Park?

As I walk down the muddy, donut driven to death, dirt road into the Cachagua Community Park the pungent smell of something dead nearly knocks me over. The offending, to say the least, smell is coming from the month old over flowing trash can at the entrance to the playground area. Charming.

As I wipe the dog crap from my shoe near the sandbox I watch a pitbull dangling from the rope some one tethered to the swings for just such a purpose. Nice. I'll skip the swings today. As I put some distance between me and the 100 lb "dog" I head towards the playground structure I encounter more dog shit. Lots of it all over the wood chips. The assholes around here can refrain their damn dogs from crapping in the playground area? Oh I forgot this is Cachagua...dogs are royalty out here.

Rumor has it that the church group servicing the area out here even abandoned the park for Sunday service because no one likes going into the park. Especially at night. They used to lock the gate at night, but after they fired the caretaker months ago they have yet to get a new one.

So now all kinds of creepy people come into the park. Especially one guy in a little blue car. He claims that he runs a t.v. studio in Cannery Row. He claims that he is the new park caretaker. By the way...would you like to talk to Jesus? This guy has Jesus's personal number on his cell phone. By the way he would like to video tape your kid and put him or her on tv. He'll be back in a few minutes with his video camera.

After reporting this guy to the Sheriff I decided to go home. I've had enough fresh air to last me awhile.