Monday, November 17, 2008

California's Prop 8

I voted yes on Prop 8.

Do I hate gays and lesbians?

No. I could really care less if you are either. I don't agree with that life style but it is your right to live as such and my right to disagree with you. I stop though when it comes to transvestites, those guys are kinda creepy.

Do I think gays and lesbains have the right to "marry"?

Here's why. Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. That is my right to think this way and your right to disagree with me.

Do I think you should be able to have a union with your partner?
Sure with all the rights that come with that union. Just don't call it a marriage because it is not. It is my right to think this way and your right to disagree with me.

However you do not have the right to treat those who did vote yes on Prop 8 with all the hateful remarks actions and propanda that has been posted all over the news, internet etc. It does not help your cause or make you out to be kind loving people. It is a big turn off. I am not particualrly fond of mormans either but I do not try to destroy thier churchs or destory thier lives by posting information over the internet with the sole purpose of hurting someone. The same goes for the supposed 70% of the black population that voted for Prop 8. Quit saying that they are ignorant and were mislead. They can read and think as well as the next person.

The people of California voted.

You lost.

Let the court systems deal with the matter now.